Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it legal for me to teach my own children?

Yes, the Department of Education defines your self-hiring requirement as simply “qualified to teach.” We have great freedom in CA for homeschooling, and with great freedom comes great responsibility.

Am I capable of teaching my own children?

With rare exception, the answer to that question is yes. The answer would be “no” if there is no parental alliance OR both parents are working 40 hours a week outside the home.

How successful are homeschoolers?

Stats from the National Home Education Research Institute show that homeschoolers outperform their public schooled counterparts by 37 points on average, even if the homeschooling parent never graduated from high school. Additional research and information are available at

What online or in-person support can I find for homeschooling?

There are over 200 support groups in California and 14 here in San Diego alone. There are also hundreds of online curricula, conferences, podcasts, and much more you can sign up for with the following organizations.

Do homeschoolers take standardized tests?  

Standardized testing is not required in the state of California, but we recommend it as a process of monitoring and adjusting, seeing where your child is performing at the national level and making adjustments for the following year. Awaken Academy will provide links to standardized testing companies that provide this service.

What Summit Christian Academy Does:

  • Offers a regular support system for homeschoolers
  • Fosters a lifelong love of learning and an appreciation for the arts in the context of church and culture, helping to equip the next generation of leaders to excel in the home, the church, and community 
  • Strengthens Christian community, enhances socio-academic skills, and advances the Kingdom of God
  • Supports parents in choosing curricula and filing private school affidavits
  • Connects families to ongoing support at the local, state, and national level

What Summit Christian Academy Does Not Do:

  • Assign or file grades with the state
  • Record, receive, or file medical records
  • File attendance records with the state
  • Replace the parent as the main educator or influencer in the child’s life